Saturday, February 23, 2013

Dalhousie...the school known around the world found here at home.....

From throughout Nova Scotia, across Canada and around the world, 18,220 students make Dalhousie their campus home. They bring an incredible array of interests and talents, and every one contributes to making this one of the country’s leading universities.

With 3,700 courses in over 190 degree programs, Dalhousie offers a wealth of choice, attracting students from around the globe.Over 110 countries are represented within the student population. (

The link below will take you to DAL ONLINE where you can set up an account allowing you quickly and easily apply for admission to Dalhousie.

This link takes you to the 2012/2013 undergraduate calendar's listing of the current scholarship awards. In addition to general scholarships, there is a wide listing of other entrance scholarships available to students.

Many of our graduates have called Dalhousie home. Here are profiles of Amarea and Rebekah, HCA graduates of 2004.

Amarea Greenlaw - 
"I have two degrees from Dal - Bachelor of Management (2008) and Master of Public Administration (2009). I'm currently working as the Assistant Registrar (Records and Registration) in the Registrar's Office." 

Rebekah Zee -
 Rebekah is in her third year at Dal Medical School, "it's definitely busier than the first two"; she is balancing her studies with lots of physical activity, eating (and blogging about recipes and restaurants), travel and time with her family and friends.

All the best to Amarea, Rebekah and our many other Halifax Christian Academy alumni who have chosen Dalhousie University for school and work.

DREAM BIG - scholarship contest

As dawn was breaking today, the sun appeared to have a difficult time deciding how to greet the world. I waited patiently; curled up in my overstuffed chair, sipping a mug of caramel vanilla cream coffee and munching on a cookie I purchased from the HCA Elementary Winter Carnival. Would I be greeted with a bright and cheery "Good morning!", or a subdued and cloudy "Hello...." Early on a Saturday morning, really early, before the sun has made its decision and the birds have chirped hello to all in the neighbourhood, I often find myself reflecting and dreaming about anything and everything... New York City...when will I get to go there...I really want to go to New York... I hope I have one more cinnamon bun left in the freezer... I wonder what it would take to get to make a TED talk... I love stickers... I think I will draw a picture today - of a... The sun has arrived with an amiable "Good morning, have a lovely day." 

At this point of the year, many grade 12 students are in the process of applying to post-secondary schools, exploring funding options and dreaming about what it will be like when they are finally finished school in June. 

Here is a scholarship "contest" sponsored by: has a short deadline (March 1st) and the opportunity to win up to $1000....

Take a few minutes to Dream... BIG and then make a video... who knows what may come of it... $1000?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Scholarship opportunities.....

There are scholarships available to fit almost every student....

"But only students who have consistently high averages get scholarships...."

This is not true. Marks count...for some scholarships. There are many more opportunities than one would first think. Here are other ways to think of a scholarship you may qualify for:

Community Service
Interest and participation in Environmental Issues
Human Rights

Some employers (think Burger King and McDonalds) has a scholarship program

Churches often have bursary programs
Some of the larger employers of parents have scholarship and bursary opportunities

Check out the big sites like have fantastic opportunities.

Here are a few local opportunities you may not have heard of...

The Community Foundation of Nova Scotia has listings for unique grants and other funding opportunities for students... Here is their link...

Various universities, local away have scholarships and bursaries available but are left untouched ($500.00+) only because students don't check in to them or because they think they won't qualify - Here is an example of one offered by Saint Mary's University...

Jim Pineo Scholarship: Awarded annually to a full-time student living at a permanent address in Nova Scotia, wishing to study at Saint Mary's University. Diagnosed with a disability and verified through the Atlantic Centre for Students with Disabilities and based on financial need. If there is no eligible student the award may be given to a continuing student.